Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Blogger Templates Free Soul Eater

Cultural Centers and Caracas BE

On Saturday 24 April, Center for Political and Social "SER" and Cultural Center and of Retired "Caracas " held a cultural event called the " Night of the Boleros ", with more than a hundred guests and towns completely exhausted, the residents enjoyed three hours of music class. L E international tenor Roberto Caballero showed his vocal gifts to delight audiences with the most romantic themes of recent years and closing the event with the Ave Maria by popular demand. Both schools acknowledge the pro bono participation Mr. Roberto Caballero, the proceeds are earmarked for the renovation of the Centre as it is a house in 1914 and needs repairs.

During the event, Center for Political and Social Studies "SER" guests ahead of the imminent launch of the Campaign Securities ", by Graciela Rochi , Lourdes Delpino, Liliana Toconas and Gustavo Romero. At the same time, Mr. Sergio Grillo (President of the Center for Studies and Coordinator of the Cultural Center and Retired) submitted to Dr. Julian Simon, who along with Dr. Mariano Losa give a talk on May 23 on D consumer ights. E n that time it was addressed to all guests of the event to be held that day with the commemoration of 25 May , where you can enjoy also a native locro and a folklore show.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Popular Picnik Quotes About Friends

Malvinas, an open wound

27 years are met from the start of the saga of the Falklands.
Many years have passed and many things can be said of this war: it was the emergency exit an undemocratic regime that saw the armed struggle an instrument to restore the legitimacy of a government and worn, that the war had the support of most Argentines, that the struggle was uneven, that our men were not prepared, that defeat was the history of our young democracy .. .
There is truth in every expression, but there is one, only one that can never be denied: Falklands was, is and will always be an open wound that can never be healed.
the anger passed, time passed, but one thing will not happen and that something is the pain of those lands lost and those lives offered.
Today, 2 April 2009, our research center pays respectful tribute to our soldiers and military offered, without hesitation or a moment, his life for his country.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Abbess In A Root Canal Tooth

The death of a Democrat

Back in 1927, Chascomús City, Buenos Aires Province, was born a child of immigrants who would mark a before and after in the history of Argentina: Dr. Raul Ricardo Alfonsin. Man of law, radical-blooded and active member of democracy, which would leave the physical world March 31 2009 at 20:30 pm.

Despite their successes, despite his mistakes, now we all remember what it was: a symbol of democracy in Argentina. With his life and his death left us the greatest legacies: democracy is a social construct, is a political regime, a way of life that is embodied in one man, but in the republican institutions that crystallize the decision thoughts and hopes of all those who every day do the country. This was the gift that gave us such a good politician: respect for the Constitution and its primary purposes in the Preamble represented

Said during an event with all your strength, " democracy is not only one with which to vote, but one with which you eat, with which it heals and that is educated." These are the goals of democracy, and these are also the outstanding debts of the same.

Today the entire nation mourns this loss, but it is wonderful to see that despite the departure of a man like Alfonsin, democracy continues, and is still there, sometimes so abstract, sometimes so close and sometimes so far as saying it is not an end in itself, but it is the only one which can realize the happiness of every human being.

In our grief, a tribute, in our pain, an appreciation for the man who knew, as any other, concentrating the hope of a people shot, for that political utopias, of ethical values. For this President who favored dialogue, seeking consensus, never depose an opponent for whom education was the only tool for social mobility. In short: a sincere goodbye to who will be forever in the collective memory as the Argentine who clearly saw what the regime in which we now move: performing in every sense of the man, What else but, unlike in substance to the democracy of the other political regimes?

then we leave the last legacy of ex - President: The speech he delivered in front of 10,000 taxed people last December 10, urging the Argentines, leading to young people, to maintain hope despite the vicissitudes .