Sunday, November 22, 2009

Catholic Confirmation Letters

The importance of being Don Quixote.

We all know the scene in which Alonso Quijano, self-proclaimed Don Quixote de la Mancha, unsuccessfully attacked a few windmills. This scene is considered an excellent and hilarious example of the size of the madness of Don Quixote. For as the narrator warned us the ingenious gentleman mistook windmills for giants. This confusion, says the vox populi, exemplifies the loss of sense of reality that is the victim Alonso Quijano. The culprit of all this insanity is known: excessive intake of romances. Or more specifically: the art led him to unreason.

could be good here cast doubt on the veracity of the narrator, as it could be that simple-minded Velascos us a deeper truth. Don Quixote Was it really so naive? Could it be that where the narrator is insane there is a conscious use of metaphor?

all know that the metaphor metonymic is a resource through which the artist attempts to make visible the hidden aspects of things by linking up with another object that bears some analogy. Examples abound. Think of the classic "pearls of your mouth" to refer to beautiful teeth. Another example, more systematic, is to use the figure of rhinoceros to refer to the file and show that beyond the eroticism of its design is a gray beast indifernte uncontrolled power of the structural weaknesses of the human body and the fragility of the environment. Who has been able to attend a live trampling little doubt you are fit, that this metaphor, far from distancing of reality, implies an increase in perception, a supply more layers of it.

Here we touch a hard bone matter of art and poetry. These are not mechanisms of detachment from reality, more to the contrary, the manner in which it may become more complex. Art aware of a phenomenon that often goes unnoticed: the words and ideas do not have a single reference. A word contains its meaning cicunstancias such as the willingness of the issuer, the comprehensive horizon receiver and signficant material that has historically been able to settle on it. Put simply, the complexity of hidden meanings that a word is so vast, that no picture can retain it.

Perhaps out of laziness, perhaps because of the harshness of everyday life, we are pushed to act as if the meaning of the words were unequivocal. That is what is called "common sense" and this is one point that share the positve, naive empiricism and metaphysics. For all there is only one reality and that contained in the simplicity of words.

now return to the scene where Don Quixote is stamped against the mills. Could it be that by referring to them as giants wanted it to evoke the superhuman power of technology and its attack was an act prompted by a spirit conservative or reactionary perhaps? Could it be to live life like a romance of chivalry was a conscious decision to Alonso Quijano? Should not in this case a monolĂ­tco inento to combat color of pre-modern societies by the vain attempt to "artistizar life? Mr. Quijano considering how an early precursor of the Situationist movement, the silliness would move on the pole of the narrator, who caught in a language game positivist and reductionist not understand the revolutionary act of Don Quijote de la Mancha.

Art, to navigate the vast ocean of words semantic, aesthetic causes cracks to help break rigidity of the real: the entrenchment of a world built itself from the repetition and predictability. Anyone taking a deception, defending the ability of art to subvert the metaphysical hardened our worldview is a task of strong political dimension, it lies in front of all the meanings vision and values \u200b\u200bwith which we interact or build reality. There is no clutch

something tragic in this. As you know Mr. Alonso Quijano, daring to redefine the world can lead to being the laughingstock of others. Especially when the other is the only interpretation to be heard. The worst thing that happened to Don Quixote was that his exploits are filtered by the poor and forgetful eyes of a narrator who does not understand. Here is the great problem of the artist: the poetry of lenguje is, in the eyes of the stupidity, the voice of the insane.