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The human condition to the horror of war and different expressions through art (Part III)

Having analyzed Guernica, we stop at the brief survey of the poem Men future of Bertolt Brecht.

Brecht was a German playwright and poet who was born in Germany in 1898 and died there in 1956. He studied medicine in Munich, taking interrupted his studies the following year to be called up as a private toilet in a military hospital in Augsburg, in the context of the First World War. During this time he met Paula Banholzer, who in 1919 gave birth to her son, Frank, who died in the Soviet front during World War II in 1943.

Brecht always wanted to influence the public with their actions, raise awareness and make you think.

Here we present his own poetry, it shows a marked man in every part of his soul by the war. This poem may reflect the spirit of many men of the last century, characterized by deep concern for reality, and the desire to change. These poems not only reflect the sadness that loads the author to write, but a request to the men of the future (to us and those to come): to remember what they suffered, and work to achieve what they could not achieve : a more friendly, caring and just ...
The poem is titled Men future, and has been written in 1938:

I really, live in dark times .
word is foolish naive.
A smooth forehead suggests insensitivity. He who laughs
you have not yet heard the terrible news, he has not yet arrived.

What times are they
talking about trees is almost a crime
because it implies silence about so many horrors!
That man calmly down the street
do you find your friends when they need it?

Admittedly I still make my living.
But believe me, is pure coincidence.
Nothing of what I do entitles me to eat my fill.
By chance I've been spared. (If my luck breaks, I lost.)
I say, "Come and drink! Glad you got it! "
But how I can eat and drink to the hungry
if I snatch what as
and my glass of water to the thirsty is missing?
And yet I eat and drink.

I would be wise. The books explain
old wisdom:
away from the struggles of the world and spend without concern
our brief time.
rid of violence.
give good for evil,
not satisfy the desires and to
forget them is wisdom.
But I can not do any of this:
truly live in dark times.


I came to the cities in time of disorder When hunger ruled
I came among men in times of rebellion and I rebelled
with them.

So the time passed I was given on earth.

My food I ate between battles.
slept among murderers. I love
and looked forward to nature.
I spent the time I was granted the land.

In my time streets led into the mire.
The word betrayed me to the executioner. Little did I
. And the powerful
felt safer without me. I knew it.
I spent the time I was granted the land.

forces were slight.
The goal was still far away.
already clearly visible,
but for me it was almost unattainable.
I spent the time I was granted the land.


You who will emerge from the morass
in which we have sunk,
when you speak of our weaknesses,
think also in the dark times
of which I have escaped.

we changed shoes
country through the class war, despairing
where there was only injustice and no one stood against it.
And yet, we knew
also the hatred of meanness disfigures her face.
also anger against injustice
hoarse voice. Unfortunately, we
we wanted to pave the way for the kindness
could not be friendly.
But you, when the time comes
that man is a friend of man, think of us

For this analysis we have used the following sources:

· free encyclopedia Wikipedia.



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